Ryan Gambrell promoting triathlons. Photo: @rgambrell/Twitter

Ryan Gambrell promoting triathlons. Photo: @rgambrell/Twitter

It was a short but sweet month for us when it came to the sports stories that captivate the heart and the mind.

Here’s a look at our top five stories for February:

5. Katie Leimkuehler Filming Documentary On Paul Leimkuehler, The “Grandfather of Handicap Skiing”

Even though Katie Leimkuehler’s grandfather, Paul Leimkuehler, passed away when she was 8 years old, she is digging into the family archives and historical footage to make sure that every ounce of her grandfather’s impact is well known; and for good reason.

Paul was a ski legend, a leader in orthotics and prosthetics, and a war hero. After he lost his leg during the Battle of the Bulge in World War II, Paul put his mechanical engineering skills to good use, designing not only his own artificial leg, but other prosthetic devices for those who also lost limbs. He went on to construct the first three-track ski and became known as the “Grandfather of Handicap Skiing.”

4. Kate and Justin Rose: Bringing Food, Books and Hope to Disadvantaged Kids

If you follow golf, you inevitably know the names Kate and Justin Rose. He’s an international golf sensation; the 2013 U.S. Open champ, and a fan favorite on the PGA and European tours alike. She’s the bright, engaging English beauty—a former competitive gymnast and past director of the PGA TOUR Wives Association board—oft captured in tournament cutaways, smiling and cheering her husband on.

But, what you probably don’t know is the good that this power couple is doing for underprivileged children in their adopted home of Orlando, Florida. Through the Kate & Justin Rose Foundation, they’re “feeding hungry tummies and curious minds;” improving children’s lives through nutrition, education and “experiences” that expose kids to the positives and possibilities in life.

3. Dwarfism Doesn’t Hold Ryan Gambrell Back From Karate, Triathlons, Or Surfing

Ryan Gambrell never saw himself as a challenged athlete. When he was approached at youth karate tournaments, asked if he felt he was at a disadvantage, he never knew what to say.

“I wouldn’t even know what they were talking about,” Gambrell said. “I thought maybe it was because I lived in San Diego and I had to fly to competitions. I was like ‘Umm, I guess I’m a little tired.’ They would look at me funny because I was answering a different question.”

And despite standing at just 4’2”, Gambrell made a name for himself in the karate realm. He won his first national championship at age 14, simultaneously discovering a passion for competition.

2. Mohammed Al-Khatib Has Eyes On Rio, First Olympic Medal For Palestine In The 100 And 200-Meter Dash

Mohammed Al-Khatib has the Olympic flame in his heart, and it burns for the love of his country.

The 26-year-old from Palestine has never been to the Olympics before, but he’s expending all of his time and energy trying to get there so that he can become the first from his country to win a medal in the 100-meter and 200-meter dash.

“I want to bring happiness and joy to my country,” Al-Khatib said.

1. The Best Super Bowl 50 Commericial You DIDN’T See

We saw the good, the bad, and the ugly from the world of advertising during Super Bowl 50. Now it’s time to highlight the beautiful.