Crossing the finish line in 13:11:07, Shirin Gerami just became the first woman from Iran to compete in and finish the IRONMAN World Championship in Kona.

Before the race, the 26-year-old told Sports Illustrated,

“This will be the first time a female will be officially representing Iran in an Ironman. What was important to me was to create an opportunity where all women could access triathlons, to reap the psychological, physical and social benefits of sports—to swim, bike, run, immerse in nature and grow as a person. I believe what is most important is to have the opportunity.”

She swam 2.4 miles, biked 112 miles, and ran 26.2 miles all while respecting the regulations her country enforces, requiring women to be covered at all times in public settings.

“My hope is that by finding the right solution, the clothes would then provide an opportunity for more women to access sports,” Gerami says. “Women who prefer to cover in order to respect religious or cultural values, personal modesty, body confidence issues, health and skin problems, [or] sun protection.”