Even at 101 years old, Doris Long, wasn’t content living her entire life on the ground. That’s why at more than a century old, she rappelled down 557-foot Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth, England and broke her own Guinness World Record in the process.

The year before, “Daring Doris” made the same descent on her 100th birthday.

“I just have a placid nature,” Long told the Guardian. “I don’t feel afraid and never have.”

She began rappelling, also known as abseiling, at 85 years old and hasn’t looked back, or down, since.

In 2015, when she became the oldest person to ever rappel from such a height, she wasn’t just doing it for the thrill. She was doing it to raise money for Rowens hospice in Waterlooville, which takes people in with life-threatening illnesses, and doesn’t charge them a thing. It was her 16th abseil for the hospice.

“Doris is an amazing lady and a huge inspiration. She has been abseiling for the Rowans hospice for more than 10 years now and has raised over £11,000,” Rowans’ hospice Events Fundraiser Karen Kay said.

And, according to Long, it was the most difficult descent she had experienced.

“We had rain here in the morning, and that made the rope heavy,” she told BBC 5. “And then of course, with that wind…It really wasn’t very enjoyable this time.”



Other than a sore shoulder and some aching legs a day later, Long was feeling great about her accomplishment.

As for tips she could give other people rappelling down the building, she kept it pretty simple.

“I think the main tip is not to be scared because it’s so safe for people. Just go up there and enjoy it. You can’t be afraid of anything,” she told 105News on her 99th birthday. “I suppose the trick is not to look down. You don’t realize you’re all that high, then, do you?”

Long also keeps active on the ground, tending to her vegetable garden and chickens, and often delivering fresh veggies and eggs to neighbors.

Work hard, play hard and give back to others. That’s the Daring Doris way.