He was the first and only person over 70 years old to break three hours in the marathon. In October, he set another world record at 85 by becoming the oldest person to ever run 26.2 miles in under four hours.

It’s with a heavy heart we have to report that Ed Whitlock, who turned 86 last week, passed away due to prostate cancer.

Whitlock was adored by many for the pure passion he had for the sport. Alan Brookes, the race director of the Toronto Waterfront Marathon, told Runner’s World this:

Ed and I went many miles together. One year we went to a Runner’s World presentation together in New York City. Ed was receiving an award. I remember Ed got up to speak—all 110 pounds of him—and in his typical modest style he said, “I don’t really know what to say. I don’t have a coach. I don’t have a manger or an agent. I don’t have any commercial endorsements. I don’t really have a training program. I just like to go out to run.”

The room erupted. Everyone loved this man who ran around a cemetery for three hours every day, who ran in 20-year-old running shoes and a 30-year-old running vest.

He was extremely modest and he was a little uncomfortable with so many people saying that he was their inspiration. He thought he was just a guy, just a guy who loved to run.

Whitlock was an engineer in the mining industry. He began running as a child, but gave it up in his 20’s. He picked it up again at 41 when his wife encouraged him to get out of the house more often.

Canadian Running Magazine traveled to Whitlock’s home shortly after he ran a sub four-hour marathon in 2016 to capture the legend. Have a look at what made him tick:

Whitlock is a great example of getting the most out of your body right up until the very end.