Photo: Ernestine Shepherd-World’s Oldest Female Body Builder/Facebook

At 80 years old, Ernestine Shepherd is the oldest female competitive bodybuilder in the world, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.

It’s remarkable that she’s still benching pressing 110 pounds at that age, but it’s even more impressive that she didn’t start exercising until she was 71.

She wakes up each morning at 2:30 a.m. and walks or runs 10 miles. Then it’s off to the gym, where she trains women between the ages of 20 and 80. She would love to train Michelle Obama one day, too.

According to her Facebook page, she eats 1,700 calories a day, mostly made up of boiled egg whites, chicken, and vegetables.

“My mantra continues to be: Determined, Dedicated and Disciplined to be Fit and this message is spreading around the world,” she said.

The Great Big Story put together a video so you can watch her in action.

So, what healthy lifestyle change is it that you want to start? It’s never too late.