Photo: Runacrossamerica/Instagram

Photo: Runacrossamerica/Instagram

Happy Thanksgiving, Purpose2Play readers!

In honor of the day, we checked in with six athletes we did feature stories on this year to see what their Thanksgiving traditions are and what they’re most grateful for this year.

Without further ado, their answers:

Suzy Favor Hamilton (Former Olympic Runner)

My favorite tradition is just our Thanksgiving get together at our house with amazing food, family and often times, good friends. Football on the TV, and we somewhat uniquely cook the turkey in a Big Green Egg. Delicious!

I’m most grateful to have my mental health managed, to have the support of my most loved ones & that our little family survived the chaos so we could be able to spend special occasions like this together.

Dave Stevens (The first person without legs to play pro baseball and college football)

My favorite Thanksgiving tradition as a kid was getting up early (Arizona time) and watching the parades, with all of the giant balloons and the people dressed in their heavy coats, which we never needed of course.  I always loved the horrible hokey lip synced performances by bad groups like Menudo and the cast of Annie.

My kids have never gotten into that tradition, as I think most of America has kid of lost the luster for those things.

As far as what I am thankful for this year, my three boys, as they continue to grow and become amazing young men.  We continue to have amazing adventures around the US, and I look forward to as many as I can do in my lifetime.

Angelica Harris (Junior Golfer):

My hometown is New Orleans, so my favorite Thanksgiving tradition is eating a famous New Orleans’ dish called crawfish gumbo.

I am most thankful for having a loving and supporting family. I would not have had all the opportunities I have had such as playing golf collegiately on a full academic scholarship at Washington University in St. Louis, if I had not had my family there encouraging me.

Tyler Carter (Paralympic Alpine Skier)

My favorite Thanksgiving Tradition is eating dessert first (pies before dinner)!

I am most grateful for my friends and family, and their love and support.

Gevvie Stone (U.S. Rowing Silver Medalist)

I like almost everything about Thanksgiving! I think my favorite part is spending the day in the kitchen with my mom and sister as we bake and cook the day away in preparation for our extended family potluck. There’s a smooth tempo to the cooking, without the frenzy of some other holidays and time pressure of other dinner parties. Every year we’re in charge of pies, rolls, and salad. My dad and brother come in occasionally to make sure “the food isn’t poisonous”.

2016 has been good to me! With the heartbreaking possibility that my elite rowing career has come to an end, I’m grateful for all the experiences, adventures, and friendships which rowing has brought into my life.

George Chmiel (Running across the U.S. to support military veterans)

My favorite Thanksgiving tradition is watching the Detroit Lions play every year while chowing down on an abundance of food with my family. I’ve been a huge fan for 27-years, and despite the Lions’ abysmal track record, it’s fun to see them play every turkey day. After all, sport is the universal language that unites people of all backgrounds.

I’m most grateful for my health, the freedom we possess as Americans and all the wonderful people in my life. While it’s hard being on the road away from my family, it’s an honor and a privilege to share the day with The Run Across America team serving those who serve us.